From hell to Dubai

These last days i've really been sinking. My unthreathed winter depression,ptsd,ednos and anxiety hit its lowest point last week.
So bad that i even had to go to the hospital. I've been taking Xanax to get trugh These days.
My doctor wanted me to go back on my antidepressant so i did. Hopefully they will make me feel better,get me out of bed and are allowed to bring into the UAE.
I really have to fight all the disorders trying to destroy me now. I have to stay fokused,smile,pack my things, buy some stuff and get myself ready(look like shit) for my new life in Dubai.
I know i will have a blessed life there, but everyday i'm still in Sweden is so hard even breathing.
Well.. I have 3,5 days left. I can do this! With a good friend,few drinks and coffe i will be ready for Dubai on Monday. I will be in Dubai early morning on the 1st and have untill the 4th to enjoy everything Dubai and Abu Dabi has to offer. Then it's time (for once in my life) to get serious, and be happy and have a good life. With everyday of work, gym,healthyfood,meds,mindfullness,meditation and yoga.
No heavy pills, like xanax or drugs. No havy drinks, just a pure healty life.
i'll have a glas champagne once in a while but thats it.
time to fokus
time to be happy
time to be me
time to get thin
time to feel beautiful
IN and OUT
- Chanel