Free me

I don't know how many c I had yesterday night but a lot. I hate theese ppl for taking away my ed medications! I hate them for being rude, for desturbing me, for ignoring me when I need them the most, for feeding me in my "sleep" etc etc etc
I just said no to another anorexic drink since I am not anorexic and I don't need fortimel extra! I'm 2 binges away from overweight FFS!
Then I asked my nurse to please save me the cucumbers they always trow away in the bin for the ppl who don't use them on there cheese sandwich.. And what did the idiots do? Where are my greens? In the bin!!!!!!! I flipped out and. Ow they came with a big plate with cut up cucumber and tomatoes... Oh now your sorry, for some effing greens, well you better be!!! But what about everything Iligal thing you did to me?
I'm so angry... Don't wanna look at their "peace offering".
Why am I still here, why didn't I escape with my masterplan yesterday?
I got no energy they/this place sucks all the air out like a vampire